
Free 7-days training on frontend development using JavaScript and React

The world is gradually moving to full blown technology village.As such,different people and organisations are coming up with both free and paid training to be able to equip the teeming youths around the world in various fields of technology.

For this,devtown in collaboration with MLSA KIIT chapter & GDSC KIIT chapter is organizing a 7-day FREE training on frontend development.

If you a an aspiring frontend developer,then this article is for you!

Grab this opportunity of getting trained in frontend development using JavaScript and React.The outline include:

✓Introduction to JavaScript

✓Basics of html & CSS for web development

,✓Introductiin to react and React Dom

✓Frontend project using React,Html and CSS.

The training will commence on the 27th November,2022 on WhatsApp and telegram platforms.

Note: ONLY the students that participated fully with attendance and project submitted would be given certificate from Microsoft, devtown and Google.

To register,click on this form link:


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Thank you!


Hi,am Khadijah Sulaiman,and I write on tech.related issues like News, training Opportunities, Social media and more.I love to share findings on tips, tricks and latest information about tech.to make life more meaningful and educative. Follow me on Facebook @habijtech and YouTube @habijTv

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