DataCamp python Scholarship 2023
Applications are currently being accepted for the DataCamp Everyone Can Learn Python Scholarship for 2023.
One of the computer languages that is evolving the quickest is Python. It is a favorite in programming and data science because of its simple framework, clear syntax, and pre-programmed system. It has opened up new career prospects for thousands of individuals around the world.
Even those who have never programmed before can easily pick up Python thanks to its straightforward syntax.
As a result, studying it will go considerably more quickly than learning other programming languages, and you’ll be well on your way to a career in data science, digital marketing, machine learning, or data analysis.
Every fifth runner-up will receive $1,000 to aid with school expenses.
$5,000 for the recipient to put toward formal education or further study.
Everyone is welcome to apply, and non-technical professions like literature, the arts, and languages are especially welcome.
Anyone is welcome to use it, and non-technical languages, literary works, and other artistic endeavors are also encouraged.
You have to be enrolled in high school or a postgraduate program right now.
The deadline for applications is March 31, 2023. On or around Monday, May 1, 2023, the DataCamp scholarship winner and runners-up will be revealed, and they will be notified in advance of this day.
Apply here .