

The Centre for Information Technology and Development (CITAD) has opened its training programme for youth and students on Social media for Accountability (SM4A). The training is to create an avenue for young people to learn how to contribute to the campaign of promoting accountability in the country,and will be done offline and online.

The training has the following objectives:

1-To introduce participants to the use of social media for campaign purposes
2-To help participants design and prosecute an accountability campaign
3-To draw the attention of participants to ethical practices
4-To understand how to monitor, measure, and evaluate their campaign
5- To understand how to secure their social media accounts from cyber-attacks (Hacking)
The training which will be available both online and offline will last for two contact days of five hours each. The invitation is hereby by re-opened for interested qualified persons to undertake the training.

Requirements for the training:
1-Age: 18-30 years
2-Education: minimum of secondary school level with clear digital functional literacy
3-Affiliation to a youth group or a campaign organization would need
4-Must have active social media accounts
5-Is not a member or affiliated with any political party.

To apply for this training,fill the form here:

Application closes on 20th December,2023

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Hi,am Khadijah Sulaiman,and I write on tech.related issues like News, training Opportunities, Social media and more.I love to share findings on tips, tricks and latest information about make life more meaningful and educative. Follow me on Facebook @habijtech and YouTube @habijTv

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