Social Media

How to set and manage the time your spend on Facebook.

Since the advent of social media in our world, many people spend a lot of time on them. This is why some social media platforms have taken steps to regulate the public use of them, so that they can set aside some hours to for other important things around them.

Facebook, Instagram and even YouTube have these opportunities for a person to set the time when he will use the applications, or set a timer to remind you to take a rest.

Of course, this step is very good and important when you see how a large percentage of people use and waste their time on social media platforms.

In this article, we are going to explain how a person can set Facebook to guide or remind him on when to be off the platform. Here’s how you can set this up on your Facebook account:

1) First of all, you will enter the facebook application, enter your facebook login details… meaning you will do this setting with the actual facebook app, not facebook lite.

2) Then click on these three lines on the right side (that is above)

3) Scroll down and you will see setting and privacy, then click.

4) You will see where it is written your time in Facebook, then enter.

5) Read the information, select manage you time to set a usage limit,choose other options to see other related features.

If you follow it religiously, then you will definitely spend less time on Facebook than you used to.


Hi,am Khadijah Sulaiman,and I write on tech.related issues like News, training Opportunities, Social media and more.I love to share findings on tips, tricks and latest information about make life more meaningful and educative. Follow me on Facebook @habijtech and YouTube @habijTv

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